Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Accessing FoxPro table with .NET data provider

Today I've tried to code sth to read, write data & admin tables stored as Foxpro data table (a.k.a. Foxpro .dbf file).
Well, I've tried both ODBC & OleDB data providers.
I hate to tell myself they both didn't work.

It's so funny.
When I run this script:
CREATE TABLE test (v1 bit, v2 boolean)
They both give me same table created:
test (v1 double, v2 double)
It seems they can read SQL_BIT but not create.

I was surfing the whole day but still can't figure out what's the exact problem.
Most of the pages are talking about Data-Type mapping or FoxPro's compatibility to .NET

Well, I'm off now,
but I'll be back tomorrow!

1 comment:

Rick said...

Somehow it works fine, using MSSQL via ODBC...

Perhaps it's problem of FoxPro itself...