Friday, December 02, 2005


I read from the Sourceforge.Net update and just know that there is a DotNet version of Hibernate!

I'll try it after the completion of current project.

"NHibernate is a port of the excellent Java Hibernate relational
persistence tool to the .Net platform. Hibernate is the leading solution
for object-relational mapping (ORM) and object persistence in general
for the Java platform. The NHibernate object persistence library for
relational databases is almost 100% feature-compatible with Hibernate
2.1. What makes NHibernate and Hibernate both unique is their approach
to persistence, where your objects are not required to inherit from a
special base class or implement an interface, (N)Hibernate works with
plain old Java/CLR objects. Hibernate is also very flexible -- you can
define how to persist individual properties and associations, query the
database using a very concise and powerful query language, and so on.

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